You’re in the right place to find out how you can travel more, work less and move towards your ideal lifestyle!

Hey there!

We designed CAPE COCONUT for all who wander (but aren’t lost) in search of adventures, experiences, interesting people, eye-opening sights or whatever the heck you hit the road for :) We want to help you create a better work-life-balance, so you can create more and better memories!

Travel can sometimes seem challenging as there are many things to consider. Where to go? How to manage your budget? How to deal with the information overload? How to find time? Where to find to the best accommodation deals? But actually it’s just as easy as learning how to ride a bike. Thrilling and daunting at first, you might need the help of someone more experienced to guide you and give you a little push. But once you’ve got the hang of it – FREEDOM!

Our Mission

Our aim is to inspire every soul with any form of travel on his or her to-do-list. Whether you’re looking for first-steps-guidance, tips & tricks or secret local knowledge… this will become your place to hang out and, if you like, open your backpack and shake out your own experiences :)

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Start planning your next adventure now!

If you already know where you’re going, there’s no stopping you from clicking the image below and start booking your flights & accommodation!

If you haven’t decided which destination meets your interest and travel budget, check out these possible destinations or click on a continent below to start exploring!

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